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Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility

CPSR empowers computer professionals and computer users to advocate
for the responsible use of information technology and empowers all
who use computer technology to participate in the public debate.   As
technical experts, CPSR members provide the public and policymakers
with realistic assessments of the power, promise, and limitations of 
computer technology.  As an organization of concerned citizens, CPSR
directs public attention to critical choices concerning the
applications of computing and how those choices affect society.

By matching unimpeachable technical information with policy 
development savvy, CPSR uses minimum dollars to have maximum impact
and encourages broad public participation in the shaping of 
technology policy.

Every project we undertake is based on five principles:

*  We foster and support public discussion of and public 
   responsibility for decisions involving the use of computers in 
   systems critical to society.

*  We work to dispel popular myths about the infallibility of
   technological systems.

*  We challenge the assumption that technology alone can solve 
   political and social problems.

*  We critically examine social and technical issues within 
   the computer profession, nationally and internationally.

*  We encourage the use of computer technology to improve the 
   quality of life. 

Founded in 1981 by a small group of computer scientists concerned 
about the use of computers in nuclear weapons systems, CPSR has grown
into a national public-interest alliance of computer industry 
professionals  dedicated to examining the impact of  technology on 

Currently, CPSR has 21 chapters in the U.S. and affiliations with 
similar groups worldwide.  In addition to our National Office in Palo
Alto, CPSR  maintains offices in Washington D.C. and Cambridge,


As computer technology becomes increasingly pervasive, the issues 
facing us become more complex.  CPSR provides a forum where we can
examine technology's impact on our lives, the lives of our fellow 
citizens, and on society as a whole.  By sponsoring both national and
local projects, CPSR serves as a catalyst for in-depth discussion and
effective action in key areas:  

     Civil Liberties and Privacy

     The 21st Century Project:  Technology Policy and Human Needs

     Workplace Issues and Participatory Design

     Reliability and Risk

In addition, CPSR's chapter-based projects and national working
groups tackle issues ranging from the development of nanotechnology
and virtual reality to computing and ethics to community computing to
computers and education.


CPSR is a democratically organized grass roots alliance.  Our 
accomplishments are the result of the member activism.  Many CPSR
members serve as national organizers

Just fill out the membership form, enclose a check and mail it to 
CPSR, P.O. Box 717, Palo Alto, CA 94301.

CPSR's cost to provide members with services is covered by the $75
dues.  To keep CPSR membership open to a wide range of people, we
offer dues levels of $20 and $50. 


When you become a member of CPSR, you are joining a nationwide 
network of computer professionals who are committed to bringing 
social responsibility to all aspects of computer technology.  CPSR 
sponsors, supports, and participates in conferences, roundtables and 
meetings on advanced issues in computing, local civic networks, 
cryptography, participatory design, and computers and social change.

Every fall the CPSR Annual Meeting brings together the foremost 
representatives of the technology industry to explore current topics 
in seminars and panel discussions.  Our conferences and chapter
meetings provide important opportunities to meet other members and
share ideas and expertise.


*  a quarterly newsletter which provides in-depth analysis of key 
   issues in computing as well as updates on CPSR activities and
   action alerts,

*  an organized voice for socially responsible computing in 

*  well-researched public testimony and public policy development,

*  invitations and discounts to CPSR events,

*  discounts on research papers, books, and educational videotapes,

*  on-line information and discussion of key issues in computing,

*  membership in a local CPSR chapter (where available) and notices 
   of chapter meetings and activities,

*  participation in local and national working groups which allow you 
   to have effective impact on the issues you care about,

*  information and referral about crucial issues in computing.


   CPSR National Office 
   P.O. Box 717 
   Palo Alto, CA  94301 
   415-322-3798 (FAX) 

   CPSR Cambridge Office
   P.O. Box 962
   Cambridge, MA  02142

   CPSR Washington Office
   666 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Suite 303
   Washington, D.C.  20003
   202-547-5481 FAX

   Managing Director, Evelyn Pine
   Assistant to the Director, Nikki Draper
   Cambridge Office Director, Gary Chapman
   Washington Office Director, Marc Rotenberg

PRIVACY NOTICE:  The CPSR membership database is never sold, rented,
lent, exchanged, or  used for anything other than official CPSR 
activity. CPSR may elect to send members mailings with information
from other groups, but the mailings will always originate with CPSR.

====================== clip and mail ==========================


Name     _________________________________________________________

Address  _________________________________________________________


City/State/Zip  __________________________________________________

Home phone  ____________________  Work phone _____________________

Company  _________________________________________________________

Type of work  ____________________________________________________

E-mail address  __________________________________________________

CPSR Chapter
    __ Acadiana       __ Austin       __ Berkeley
    __ Boston         __ Chicago      __ Denver/Boulder
    __ Los Angeles    __ Madison      __ Maine
    __ Milwaukee      __ Minnesota    __ New Haven
    __ New York       __ Palo Alto    __ Philadelphia
    __ Pittsburgh     __ Portland     __ San Diego
    __ Santa Cruz     __ Seattle      __ Washington, DC
    __ No chapter in my area

CPSR Membership Categories 
    __  $  75  REGULAR MEMBER
    __  $  50  Basic member
    __  $ 200  Supporting member
    __  $ 500  Sponsoring member
    __  $1000  Lifetime member
    __  $  20  Student/low income member

    __  $  50  Foreign subscriber
    __  $  50  Library/institutional subscriber

Additional tax-deductible contribution to support CPSR projects:
    __  $50     __  $75      __  $100    __  $250
    __  $500    __  $1000    __  Other

Total Enclosed:  $ ________

Make check out to CPSR and mail to:
    P.O. Box 717
    Palo Alto, CA  94301